Getting Started

With the general purpose of building a "Freemium" game, Monsterra lets players join the game with initial "Free" items.

Note: All of these items are NOT NFT items. Thus users do not have the possession right to any of them. Most of the action for a full game loop in Monsterra will be offered for free.

  • Players will not have to spend tokens on purchasing free items but they can convert "Free" things to NFT items by spending MSTR tokens.

  • Players can have chances to earn token and "NFT items" from "Free" gameplay.

The "free items" the players will receive when entering the game include:

  • A land with basic structure including some kinds of plot: 1 core plot, 1 pasture plot, 1 breeding plot, 1 hatching plot, 1 storage food plot, 1 barrack plot and 1 defense plot.

  • 2 Soulcores.

Collect more Mongens

There are two primary ways to obtain more Mongens.

  • Incubation: Users can obtain a random Mongen by incubating a Mongen Soulcore in Land.

  • Trading: Users can buy Mongen from others by trading through the Auction marketplace.

Buy a new land

Instead of building a land from scratch, players can buy a new Land on the Monsterra NFT marketplace or receive it from another player's transfer.

Last updated