Mongen Stats
Mongen's stats will be calculated based on the race, body parts, and rarity figures. Each Mongen has basic stats encompassing of:
Each Mongen is a result of the combination of body parts
Form: Body outline and stands for race of Mongen
Head: Determine list of basic skill that Mongen can learn. Rarity and number of skill in list depends on rarity of part. The list of skill is random from the moment Mongen is born.
Eyes: Determine list of Ultimate Skill that Mongen can learn. Rarity and number of skill in list depends on rarity of part. The list of skill is random from the moment Mongen is born.
Horns: Determine kind of troop that Mongen owned in slot #1, stand in front of Mongen. Rarity of troop depends on rarity of this part. Each troop has its own basic skill and Ultimate Skill.
Tail: Determine kind of troop that Mongen owned in slot #2, stand in the middle of team. Rarity of troop depends on rarity of this part. Each troop has its own basic skill and Ultimate Skill.
Back: Determine kind of troop that Mongen owned in slot #3, stand behind Mongen. Rarity of troop depends on rarity of this part. Each troop has its own basic skill and Ultimate Skill.
Each Mongen DNA contains:
Primary Trait: Body parts of Self-Mongen.
Relative Trait Father: Body parts of Father-Mongen.
Relative Trait Mother: Body parts of Mother-Mongen.
Hidden Trait: Body parts of Mongen race.
Distribution of trait types
Rarity is used to define the maximum power potential of Mongens.
The rarity is represented by the Aura upon the Mongen.
Designs to reflect the rarity:
Evolution level stands for Mongen level limitation and increases statistics of Mongens slightly.
Level is the Mongen grow-up statistic.
Mongen statistics will increase as they are level up.
Last updated